Monday, October 17, 2011

Do Qigong Mind & Body Healing Exercises

Do Qigong Mind & Body Healing Exercises

Qigong (Chee-gung) can be interpreted as the life force in all things. Qigong practices are ancient Chinese exercises for physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Qigong incorporates gentle movements that can help reduce stress, strengthen and revitalize the body, and promote a healthy immune systems. Qigong practitioners' health claims include cardiovascular, respiratory and circulatory benefits. A well-known Qigong practice is Taiji (T'ai Chi), a martial art associated with Taoism. While Qigong is a complex system that requires a guide, one can begin with some basic Qigong breathing, back exercises and healing meditations.


Qigong Mind & Body Healing Exersices

1. Practice Qigong breathing exercises. Sit or lie down. Breathe in as if filling your belly with air. At the base of the inhalation, pause. Collapse your belly as you exhale slowly. Continue until you achieve a natural rhythm. Eventually, you will breathe fewer times per minute. This is "tortoise breathing."

2. Perform the T'ai Chi Empty Stance. Standing, bend your knees slightly while bending at the groin area. Maintain a straight posture and slightly dip your tailbone. Slightly tuck your chin for vertebrae alignment. Point the toes of one foot at a 45-degree angle from the other foot. Shift most of your weight to the straight-foot leg and balance the other foot on your toes. Practice from 5 to 30 minutes a day for relief from chronic back pain.

3. Relieve eyestrain with Qigong acupressure eye exercises. At points on both sides and nearly to the top of the nose, gently and simultaneously massage the points with circular movements. While there are more in-depth Qigong massages for the eyes, this simple exercise helps to moisten eyes and releases negative chi (energy). Practice throughout the day.

4. Practice the Qigong Rainbow Meditation. In a quiet, dimly lit place, sit in a comfortable chair that allows for straight, but relaxed posture. Sit with feet flat on the floor, back straight and head aligned with the vertebrae. Do not tuck your chin. Rest your tongue against the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Breathe using Qigong breathing. Relax your body from the feet upward. Now visualize a rainbow in the distance. Focus on the colors. The rainbow will begin to turn, moving toward you. When the rainbow is above you, feel the colors radiate downward to your feet into the ground. Then feel the colors moving upward to the top of your head. Cap the light and rest in the healing colors of heaven.

Tags: Body Healing, Mind Body, Mind Body Healing, Qigong breathing, Qigong Mind, Qigong Mind Body, Body Healing Exercises