Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Best Yellow Paint Colors

Yellow paint opens a room by brightening the space.

The color wheel teaches us that every color has a relationship with all other colors. The most successful color combinations complement each other so that one color accents another. When choosing the best yellow paint colors for your home, be sure to choose colors that are pleasant to live with every day. Intense yellows can be muted and deepened by pairing them with light or dark blues, for instance.

Lemon Yellow

Bright lemon-yellow rooms create a funky, forward look.

Lemon yellow brings out natural wood tones and adds cheer to a room. According to a Bob Vila feature on paint color selection, yellow paints pair well with a "triadic" color scheme, which uses colors that are equidistant on the color wheel, so that yellow pairs with orange. Choosing one dominant color -- the lemon yellow -- and adding another shade of orange and another shade of yellow will soften the room. Consider painting the window trim an orange color and the walls lemon yellow to create an overall warm but not overbearing yellow tone.

Pale Yellow

Pale yellow, like the color of lily flowers, softens large rooms.

Pale yellow paint works well in rooms that receive partial but not direct sunlight throughout the day. Mixing a primary yellow color with cream or off-white will bring about the desired pale yellow color. Painting a living room or another room that has high walls is a great choice, as the pale yellow is not overwhelming but softer and friendlier than white or off-white. Coupling the pale yellow with a white trim further softens the room and offers a tidy look.

Pineapple Yellow

Pineapple yellow is a medium-strength yellow with a cheerful effect.

A medium-strength yellow, like the color of juicy cut pineapple, is a happy color. Pineapple yellow is ideal for dining rooms and bedrooms with white or pine woodwork. Blue pairs well with this yellow color because it looks like sunshine.

Tags: yellow color, another shade, color wheel, colors that, lemon yellow, like color