Using hand and arm massage to release stress and tension is a wonderful technique that you can use on others or yourself. By correctly using pressure points and stretching the muscles, you can create relaxation all over the body.
1. Begin by grasping the client's hand with both of yours. Curve your fingers under his palms. Use as much force as is comfortable for the client and gently stretch the hand outward, while using your thumb to firmly massage the top of the hand.
2. Rub the back of the hand, getting in between the bones and stretching each finger. Massage the pressure point in between the thumb and fingers.
3. Turn the hand over and forcefully massage the palm. Work your way over to massaging the pressure points on the pads beneath the fingers and thumb pad.
4. Grasp the wrist with both hands and stretch it gently. Tug your hands apart to stretch the muscles.
5. Use your thumb to rub your client's inner-arm with circular movements. Apply as much force as is comfortable for the client as you move up and down. Pay special attention to the pressure points at the base of the wrist.
6. Make a fist and place it in your client's palm. Slowly but firmly push your first up the hand and arm. Continue down the backside of the arm, but stop at the wrist.
Tags: comfortable client,