Friday, October 30, 2009

Rules Of Low Carb Diets

Low carb diets require the dieter to follow rules, some of which are strict, in order to facilitate weight loss. Making gradual changes in carbohydrate intake and choosing healthy alternatives to high carb foods are important to the success of a low carb diet. Avoiding refined flour, sugar and starchy foods are also required when following a low carb diet.

Gradual Changes

Once you are experiencing weight loss with a low carb diet, it is necessary for you to increase your carb intake slowly. This allows you to not only identify the carb level at which weight loss stops, but also to avoid weight gain due to increased carbs in the diet.

Healthy Choices

When making diet choices on a low carb plan, dieters must make healthy choices. When craving a sugary treat, it is better to choose an alternative, such as a cup of coffee sweetened with a sugar-free flavored syrup. Other alternatives include sugar-free candies or low-sugar berries, such as blackberries.

Refined Flour

Refined flour should be avoided when on a low carb diet. Many foods contain refined flour, including white bread, tortillas and many snack foods. White flour should also be avoided when cooking. Foods containing refined flour are not only high in carbohydrates, they are low in fiber and will quickly derail low carb weight loss.


Low carb dieters should avoid consuming sugar whenever possible. Sugar can be found in many foods that are commonly eaten by low carb dieters, including salad dressing, cheese, lunch meat, ham and even bacon, so it is important to read labels and choose varieties of these foods that do not contain sugar. The amount of sugar in a product can be found by reading the list of ingredients and looking for one of the many names for sugar. Other names for sugar include dextrose, sucrose, glucose, fructose, and corn syrup.


Starchy foods, such as potatoes and corn, are off-limits to low carb dieters. These foods are very high in carbohydrates and will cause dieters to go over their daily carbohydrate allowance. In addition, they may set off cravings for other high carbohydrate foods, which may result in the dieter reverting to pre-diet eating habits.

Allowed Foods

Beef, poultry, pork and all other meats are allowed on low-carb diets. Most hard cheeses are also allowed, as are low glycemic vegetables, such as zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower and all green leafy vegetables. The serving sizes of these foods differ, depending on which low carb diet you are following and which phase of the diet you are on.

Tags: carb diet, weight loss, carb dieters, avoided when, flour should, foods that, high carbohydrates