Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Benefits Of Turmeric Hair

South Asian women have been using turmeric to get rid of body hair for centuries.

Turmeric, sometimes called Indian saffron, is a South Asian tuber plant that is closely related to ginger. Like its cousin, turmeric is used widely as a food spice,but it is also a key ingredient in a ceremonial skin-softening solution employed by Indian brides. As it relates to hair, turmeric is most effective as a natural hair remover.

Preventing Unwanted Hair

Though there isn't much scientific evidence, Indian culture indicates that the plant has been used to prevent unwanted hair on women and babies for centuries. Today, a thick paste is created and rubbed into the skin daily for months to keep unsightly hair off upper lips, chins and armpits.

Removing Unwanted Hair

South Asian women have also used turmeric powder to remove body hair. The process is identical to the one that prevents unwanted hair, though it can take months to see results. As an added benefit, skin is left smooth where turmeric paste has been applied.

Growing or Buying Turmeric

Turmeric is readily available in powder form at Indian grocery stores, herbal supply stores, online retailers and even supermarkets. If you want to process your own fresh turmeric, you can grow it as a houseplant. Simply purchase a few turmeric roots (they are sold as food in Indian, ethnic or specialty grocery stores) and plant them in damp, warm soil. For more information about growing turmeric, see the Resources section.

Creating a Hair Remover Paste

To remove or prevent growth of unwanted hair, mix powdered turmeric with warm castor oil (heated in a microwave for a few minutes) to create a paste. Apply a small amount of the paste to areas where unwanted hairs are to experience the benefits. Variations sometimes include mixing flour or salt into the paste to create more of a body scrub.

Other Cosmetic Uses

Turmeric has long been used as an all-purpose cosmetic ingredient in South Asian countries such as India. It is purported to clear acne, smooth rough skin and fade hyperpigmented patches.

Tags: South Asian, unwanted hair, Asian women, Asian women have, been used, body hair