Monday, April 6, 2009

Alternatives To Adhd Medication

ADHD can be effectively managed without the medication in some people. Many alternative treatments exist.

Diet & Exercise

Eating a healthy diet, avoiding caffeine, and getting plenty of exercise can increase concentration and decease hyperactivity.

Interactive Metronome Training

Interactive ,etronome training is done by listening to a rhythmic beat while tapping along with your hands or feet. It is believed that over time this training will increase the ability to focus.

Chiropractic Care

Some claim that chiropractic care can help in treating ADHD. This may be by restoring balance in the brain through spinal adjustments.


Neurofeedback trains the ADHD patient increase arousal levels. It is believed that increasing arousal levels decreases symptoms of ADHD.

Behavior Modification

Behavior modification works by rewarding positive behavior with rewards and privileges, while discouraging negative behaviors by taking privileges away. This treatment method is meant to increase the ADHD patient's self-esteem.

Tags: ADHD patient, arousal levels, believed that