Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Negative Effects Of Fragrances

Be careful what you spray, as some fragrances cause harmful side effects.

It seems hard to believe that something that smells so good can be so harmful to your and others around you. The sweet smell of your favorite perfume and the soothing scent of your favorite hand lotion can lead to hazardous ailments and diseases. Think twice the next time you shop for soap, shampoo, fabric softener as well as other household and beauty products.


According to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, 300 million people globally and 34.1 million Americans suffer from asthma. Asthma, a lung disease, causes difficulty in breathing. A person suffering from asthma that comes into contact with a trigger experiences an asthma attack characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, tightening of the chest and skin rashes. Fragrances found in common household and beauty items act as triggers rather than causes of asthma as previously believed. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America asthma is genetic so "the question isn't really 'what causes asthma,' but rather 'what causes asthma symptoms to appear?', otherwise known as triggers. The fragrances in deodorant, perfume, cologne, soap, hairspray, food and laundry detergent can lead an asthmatic person into a potentially lethal asthma attack.


According to Organic Consumers Association, hair care and beauty products contain fragrances with potentially harmful effects. A glance at product lists on the back of most shampoo or hairspray bottles results in the term "fragrance" listed. The term fragrance on a product ingredient list can translate to up to 200 additional ingredients. Most of these hundreds of additional ingredients come from synthetic materials that can cause dizziness, skin discoloration, rashes, coughing and vomiting. Prolonged exposure to the synthetic fragrances may also lead to damage to the central nervous system resulting in depression and other behavioral ailments.


According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the susceptibility to allergies comes from your parents as an inherited characteristic. Similar to asthma, if you suffer from allergies, certain scents trigger a reaction. A protein particle ingested, inhaled, absorbed or injected that triggers a reaction is known as an allergen. Once an allergic person becomes exposed to an allergen, the immune system overreacts causing sneezing, nasal itching, chest tightness and wheezing. Common fragrance allergens include pollen odor, mold, animal dander and synthetically scented household products.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Individuals with multiple chemical sensitivities may suffer from negative effects of fragrances in a wide variety of products. MCS sufferers experience extreme reactions similar to that of an allergy sufferer from products such as smoke, gas, perfume, chemicals and pet dander. A reaction to fragrant items includes sensitivity to light and noise, skin rash, loss of memory, migraine, vertigo, fatigue, nausea and burning of the eyes. A minimal amount of a chemical, even one part per million can trigger a reaction in an individual with MCS.

Tags: causes asthma, suffer from, According Asthma, According Asthma Allergy, additional ingredients