Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hand Rejuvenation Treatment

Our hands take abuse. To keep hands looking their best, steps should be taken to protect them. When the weather is cold, wear gloves. Gloves should also be worn when washing dishes to protect them from harsh detergents. Another way to protect your hands is to wear sunscreen when you know you will be out in the sun. Take care of your hands, as they will serve you for the rest of your life.


Exfoliation of the skin doesn't only apply to the skin on your face. Old, dead skin on the hands can add years to their appearance. Hands can be exfoliated by using a commercial product designed for this purpose, or you can use cornmeal or sugar to exfoliate them with. If you decide to use the cornmeal or sugar, wet your hands first, then pour a little cornmeal or sugar into your palm and rub your hands with it for 5 seconds and rinse thoroughly. It is important to note that you should never exfoliate your skin if it is broken, if it has an abrasion a burn or a sore.

Cuticles and Nails

Manicured nails make your hands look attractive. File any sharp or jagged edges you find and buff your nails to keep them smooth. Trim cuticles when necessary and apply cuticle oil to your cuticles every night before you go to bed to prevent them from drying out and cracking. Polish your nails.


Hands that are dry are thirsty and need to be moisturized. Using a moisturizer that contains almond oil or jojoba oil is beneficial as almond oil is highly moisturizing and jojoba oil pulls in moisture and locks it in. Applying moisturizer to the hands soon after they are washed and while they are still moist will also lock in moisture.

Additional Steps

Another part of the rejuvenation treatment is the paraffin bath. By dipping your hands in a paraffin bath once a week you will relax the muscles in your hands, improve circulation and soften the skin on your hands. If you have arthritis pain in your hands, the paraffin bath should alleviate it.

Sun and age spots have no place on your hands. To eliminate spots, use a commercial skin lightener or an application of lemon juice. After applying lemon juice to the spots and leaving it on for about 15 minutes and rinsing it off, the spots should appear lighter.

Tags: your hands, cornmeal sugar, paraffin bath, hands paraffin, hands paraffin bath, lemon juice, protect them