Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dihydrocodeine Side Effects

Dihydrocodeine is a pain reliever often used as a course of treatment for moderate pain and swelling. It contains caffeine and aspirin as well as a substance that has opiate-like properties. As with a number of prescription medications, there is the potential, according to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), for a person using dihydrocodeine to experience some side effects. These side effects may come about from both long-term and short-term use.

Digestive Issues

This family of side effects may manifest as nausea or upset stomach, constipation and sometimes vomiting. Some people may also suffer from some abdominal cramping, but this would be due to the issues of the stomach and not necessarily the medication itself.


Since dihydrocodeine has opiate-like qualities, some people taking this medication may begin to suffer from episodes of either dizziness or lightheadedness. This will typically subside as the body adjusts to the drug.


Another side effect that has been seen from dihydrocodeine use is that of tremors, or involuntary shaking. This may be isolated to a certain area of the body or may move throughout a person.

Mood Swings

Though relatively rare, a person taking dihydrocodeine for the management of pain may begin to suffer from mood swings. These would be seen as extreme shifts in mood (going from happy to angry on a dime) or even a heightened level of irritability.


On occasion, someone taking dihydrocodeine may suffer from episodes of heartburn. These episodes aren't always related to meals and may manifest from simply taking the medication.

Irregular Heartbeat

Some people have been known to experience a change in their heart rate. This would be seen as either an irregular heartbeat or an uneven heartbeat. It may also be felt as an almost racing or pounding pulse.


Due to its opiate-like qualities, dihydrocodeine may bring about some level of dependency (or even addiction) from long-term use. But, much like mood swings, this side effect is considered rare.

Tags: suffer from, begin suffer, begin suffer from, from episodes, opiate-like qualities, side effect, side effects