Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fever Blister Cures

Fever blister.

Fever blisters are commonly called cold sores. These blisters form on or around the lips. They come from the herpes simplex virus. Because they are a virus, they are highly contagious. It is important to begin treatment on your fever blister as soon as you notice it so that you can get rid of it quickly.

Tree Tea Oil

Tree tea oil is an essential oil that you can use to get rid of your fever blister. It has antiviral properties, which means it can fight the virus that is causing the fever blister. Apply some tea tree oil after you have washed your face and dried it. Just drip two drops on each fever blister. Do this once after you wake up and once before you go to bed at night until the fever blister is no longer visible.

Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe vera is well known for its ability to heal the body, both inside and outside. Cut the tip off an aloe plant and open it up. Rub the inside of the aloe plant on your fever blister and then discard. Repeat this twice per day until the fever blister is gone. Aloe plants can be found in various nurseries.

You also might want to drink some aloe juice each day. You can find aloe juice at health food stores.


A fever blister requires moisture to stay alive, so it is important that you begin to dry up your fever blister immediately. One way to do this is to take a small bowl and fill it with hydrogen peroxide. Lay three cotton balls in it for the day. After each meal, wash the area where you have a fever blister with soap and water, then drench it with one of the cotton balls. Make sure you don't touch the fever blister, or you could spread it and get another one. Always wash your hands after you have finished using peroxide.

Tags: fever blister, fever blister, your fever, your fever blister, after have, aloe juice, aloe plant