Monday, July 19, 2010

Symptoms Of Severe Copd

COPD, which stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is particularly common in smokers and ex-smokers, asthmatics and emphysema patients, compromising their ability to breathe properly without the help of an oxygen machine. Symptoms of severe COPD may be mistaken for other health ailments and should be checked out by a qualified health professional to ensure that each individual case is evaluated thoroughly.


The symptoms of the damaging effects of COPD present themselves as a "smoker's cough" producing a lot of mucous and chest congestion. Frequent upper respiratory infections are common in severe COPD sometimes leading to bouts of pneumonia. Shortness of breath on climbing stairs and during or after physical exertion are classic symptoms of decreased lung capacity along with the inability to breathe and recover after exercise.


Severe COPD limits lung function gradually decreasing the capacity to operate. This will, over time, lead to worsening effects due to lack of oxygen to vital organs such as lack of mental alertness. Bluish or gray fingernails and lips are signs of oxygen deprivation and should be evaluated in the ER.

Time Frame

Years may go by before the crippling effects of COPD are fully realized but by then it will be too late to turn back the clock. A smoking cessation program is highly recommended to avoid further complications of COPD. Oxygen therapy sometimes or all the time helps with sleep patterns and extends the length of life by protecting the heart and other vital organs from damage through oxygen deprivation.


Bronchodilators or inhalers help open the lungs to enable easier breathing which, along with oxygen therapy greatly improve lung function. In severe cases of COPD surgery may be an option available to you, as well as medicines, vaccines or pulmonary rehabilitation under close supervision of a team of health professionals.


Depending on how much lung damage you have, giving up smoking will help. If you continue to smoke, rapid health problems will occur leading to a decline in physical activity, weight loss and problems walking. Swelling of the ankles may be a problem due to water retention (a diuretic may be prescribed to help rid the body of excess fluid), as well as wheezing and shortness of breath when relaxing.

Tags: along with, effects COPD, lung function, oxygen deprivation, severe COPD, vital organs