Monday, May 10, 2010

How Does Thyroid Disease Affect Mood

Where is Your Thyroid?

The thyroid gland is the butterfly-shaped organ located in the base of your throat around the Adam's apple. This little known gland is responsible for the metabolism in the endocrine system and is a most important part of the body. Should the thyroid cease to function properly, this may result in a number of complications, including hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease.

Foggy, Sluggish Feelings

You may have thyroid disease if you are suffering mood swings for no apparent reason and are either putting on weight fast or losing weight rapidly without trying. Irritability, temper flare-ups and depression are all signs of thyroid disease. You may experience learning disabilities, hair falling out, a lack of menstrual periods, the sudden appearance of stretch marks, fatigue, a problem focusing or a foggy-headed feeling.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A thyroid panel should be taken in the form of blood work that's sent to the lab for evaluation. Your doctor will assess how much medication you need in your particular case to help you feel better and start your body metabolizing again. Once you have been on the medication for a number of weeks, you may find that your depression, mood swings, fatigue, lack of focus and other symptoms affecting your mood have disappeared. Tell your doctor if you are still experiencing mood disorders after two months of medication, as you may need to be re-evaluated by a mental health professional to take care of these issues.

Tags: medication need, mood swings, thyroid disease