Thursday, July 26, 2012

Exercise Without A Gym Membership

Exercise is just one of those things we always have excuses NOT to do. Gym memberships are understandable expensive, especially in this economy! Here is exercise even if you can't afford that pricey gym membership.


1. The easiest, and most time-efficient way to exercise at home is to purchase a few exercise DVDs and a mat. You will be less likely to hurt yourself if you are being led by a professional. Also, using a DVD cuts out travel time to and from a gym, leaving you more time for the other things in your busy schedule.

2. If you live near a park, or in a residential neighborhood, then running is an option for exercise. Running is great for both the mind and body and tones up your body while helping you burn calories.

3. There are three basic exercises that can be done virtually everywhere that really tone and build muscle: sit-ups, push-ups and squats. Take time to do these every day and you'll see results quicker than you'd expect.

4. Many personal trainers will come to your home for a reasonable price. Or even better, find someone training to become a trainer and be one of their "guinea pigs." You'll be surprised at how many exercises you can do with simple hand weights and the right instructor.

5. Lastly, good old-fashioned jump-roping will get you in amazing shape. This exercise is especially good for those in cramped long as your ceilings are high.
