Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is a
Although most people with HPV do not display visible symptoms, HPV is a leading cause of both genital warts and some forms of cancer, such as cervical cancer and cancers of the genitals and anus.
Contracting HPV
HPV is passed on during vaginal and anal intercourse. Though rare, it is possible for a pregnant mother to pass HPV on to to her baby during delivery.
Common Sexually Transmitted Disease
About 20 million people in the United States have HPV. About half of all sexually active adults have been infected by HPV at some point.
Using condoms can lower the risk of contracting HPV. Women can receive the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. Of course, monogamy or being sexually inactive are both effective as well.
There are no treatments currently for HPV, but the body will eventually kill off the virus.
Tags: cervical cancer, sexually transmitted, sexually transmitted disease,