Treat a Scorpion Sting
Scorpions are small creatures found mainly in desert and tropical regions of the world. If you are stung by a scorpion, you can treat the sting yourself in many cases, but a poisonous scorpion sting requires attention from your local hospital.
1. Identify the sting. If you have pain, burning, a little swelling and slight numbness, you can treat the
2. Go immediately to the nearest hospital if you experience a poisonous sting, such as from a bark scorpion.
3. Wash the area of the sting with soap and water.
4. Call the poison control center at 1-800-362-0101.
5. Call your doctor and schedule to have your tetanus shots brought up to date if they currently are not.
6. Apply topical medication if necessary.
7. Keep a close eye on the sting and your health. If you feel sick or the sting swells abnormally, seek care at an emergency room immediately.
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