Friday, September 11, 2009

Kill Lice Without Making A Purchase

There are three types of lice that afflict humans-head lice, body lice and pubic lice. The most common of lice is what is known as "head" lice. Head lice usually are carried by children, who get it from being in close contact with other infested children. The lice spread when the child brings them into their home environment. Head lice are highly contagious. An orthodox method of dealing with lice is by using a louse killing shampoo (pediculicides) prescribed by a doctor and purchased in a pharmacy. There are also alternative methods in dealing with lice.


1. Take olive oil and place the oil in you hair. Your hair must be saturated.

2. Take a shower cap and place it on your head, covering all hair. You need to keep the shower cap on for 12-24 hours.

3. Take the shower cap off. Dry shampoo all of your hair thoroughly but do not wet or rinse.

4. Place the shower cap on your head. This time, leave it on for 30 minutes.

5. Remove shower cap and rinse the hair out. Rinse until there is no olive oil or shampoo left.

6. Section the hair into several parts. Go through the hair, looking for any lice left. Remove any remaining insects or eggs using the fingers and or a nit comb.

7. Dry shampoo the hair again, repeating the shower cap process again. Sleep with the shower cap for several days, to keep the lice from re-infesting your hair and scalp.

Tags: dealing with, dealing with lice, Head lice, Take shower, with lice, your hair