Thursday, September 19, 2013

How Does An Eis Scanner Work

Image Generation

An EIS scanner works via placing a series of electrodes on a patient's body. These electrodes send an electrical direct current through a patient's interstitial, or tissue fluid, to detect abnormalities. The information received via these electrodes are then transmitted back to the EIS scanner. This information is then integrated back into the scanner's software and included into its various mathematical formulas to help generate an accurate 3-D image.

Applying Bio-Impedance Science to Modern Medicine

The science behind organ bio-impedance has been understood for almost 200 years, but the research could not be practically applied because the numerous calculations had to be performed by hand. Because the EIS is backed by the power of a computer with sophisticated hardware and highly technical software, the EIS software can apply the knowledge of organ bio-impedance and is able to analyze a patient's organs and tissues with little effort.

Tags: organ bio-impedance