Friday, February 22, 2013

Side Effects Of Ibuprofen Use

Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). NSAIDs work by blocking an enzyme that is responsible for the creation of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins promote the sensation of pain, inflammation, fever and blood clotting. They also promote mucus secretion in the stomach. This mucus protects the stomach from the acids used in digestion. Since ibuprofen prevents the formation of prostaglandins, it is beneficial for treating pain, inflammation and fever, but it may also have side effects.


Ibuprofen's ability to block prostaglandin production puts the stomach at a greater risk for ulcers since mucus production is reduced. An ulcer is a sore that can bleed. The internal bleeding caused by an ulcer can lead to dizziness when standing. Stomach pain may or may not be present. Nausea and vomiting may also present. Heartburn and indigestion may also occur.


Ibuprofen use can lead to other digestive difficulties. Bloating may be accompanied by belching and flatulence. Constipation may occur, although it is considered to be a less common side effect. Diarrhea is more common with ibuprofen use. Abdominal cramps may also occur, and may likely be caused by diarrhea or constipation.


NSAIDs are often used to prevent blood clots due to their ability to thin the blood. Ironically, ibuprofen may induce blood clots in some. Blood clots in the heart can cause a heart attack. Hypertension may also result. Some have suffered heart failure while using ibuprofen. Heart failure is often associated with edema, especially in the extremities. Ibuprofen may contribute to decreased liver and renal function, which will also contribute to leg edema.


Ibuprofen may reduce the amount of blood flow to the kidneys. This can result in decreased urine production. Since the kidneys are responsible for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, this decreased blood flow may possibly contribute to swelling in the extremities and face.


Ibuprofen use may lead to other symptoms, as well. Abnormal breathing such as shortness of breath or difficult, irregular or troubled breathing may occur. Bruising or unusual bleeding may occur, including nosebleeds and bleeding gums. Fatigue is a more common symptom as is weight gain. Irritability, vision changes, chills, confusion and skin irritations are less common side effects.

Tags: also occur, blood flow, common side, Ibuprofen lead, Ibuprofen lead other