Monday, November 9, 2009

How Does Ear Stapling Work

How Does Ear Stapling Work?

Auriculotherapy is an alternative medical procedure that has become popular for curbing appetite and losing weight. This procedure, more commonly known as ear stapling, operates on the same principles as acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice that stimulates pressure points on the body. In acupuncture, hair-thin metal needles are used to puncture the body in particular areas in order to achieve a desired effect. Proponents of ear stapling believe that the ear concentrates all areas of the body in one location, and any necessary effect can be derived from stimulating the proper area of the ear.

As the name suggests, ear stapling involves the use of a thin metal staple. The location of the staple application is carefully mapped out according to the location of different pressure points on the ear. Once the appropriate location has been found, the ear is punctured using a special staple-gun. These staples must be removed and reapplied every few months in order to maintain the effect.

There is no scientific evidence of the efficiency of ear stapling, but there are serious safety concerns. Practitioners are not well-regulated, and equipment may not be thoroughly sterilized as a result. Piercing any body part with unsterilized equipment can lead to staph infections, scarring and other medical problems.

Even with thoroughly sterilized equipment and well-trained practitioners, there is still risk to the consumer. Ear-stapling sites must be kept clean during the time they are healing. The nature of this procedure, which needs to be repeated every few months in a new site, suggests that the staples will always be in a state of healing. Therefore, the amount of time during which there is a risk of infection is ongoing. In addition, the frequent removal and reapplication of ear staples in a slightly different area of the ear, in order to maintain the effect, could result in scarring of the ear.

Tags: Does Stapling, Does Stapling Work, every months, maintain effect, order maintain, order maintain effect