Friday, November 6, 2009

Athelete'S Foot Home Remedy

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that affects the feet and causes itching, pain, blisters, bleeding, scaling and flaking of the skin. It can also affect other areas of the body, such as the groin, where it is referred to as jock itch. This infection is caused by a parasite and can be spread very quickly to other people. Your physician can diagnose the condition, usually with visual inspection or a biopsy of the skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Soak your feet in a foot tub full of water and approximately 40 drops of tea tree oil. The oil is a natural antiseptic and can immediately sooth the skin. You can also squeeze a few drops of oil directly onto the skin and gently rub them into the infection. Tea tree oil irritates some people's skin, so test a small area before you rub your entire foot. Wash your hands very well after applying the oil.


Place a minced garlic clove inside your shoe and wear it all day. Garlic is one of nature's best anti-fungal substances. Repeat this daily until the infection goes away. The garlic may smell strong, but it will work faster than most over-the-counter fungal fighters.


Spray your feet with an antiperspirant. The spray will keep the feet from sweating, which will prevent the infection from spreading and will keep your feet dry. Fungal infections thrive off dark, wet places. Hold the spray approximately 10 inches away from the feet so that it does not wet the infection. A warning: This can make the feet burn.


Make a rub out of aspirin and alcohol. Mix six crushed-up aspirins with half a cup of alcohol. The mixture will be thick. Use a cotton ball to apply the mix directly to the feet. The aspirin will help with pain, and the alcohol will dry up the infection.

Olive Leaf Extract

Apply a layer of olive leaf extract to the feet. Olives provide excellent antioxidants and can fight infection. Apply the extract several times during the day and try to leave the feet uncovered.


Mix one part apple cider vinegar and four parts of warm water. Soak your feet in the mixture for 20 minutes twice a day until symptoms subside. The vinegar can heal the infection and sooth the skin.

Clean Socks

Always wear clean socks. Change your socks every day. Dirty socks harbor infection and germs. Try to wear white cotton socks. Choose socks that are thin, not a thick, bulky pair.

Tags: your feet, skin also, Soak your, Soak your feet, sooth skin, will keep