Friday, September 25, 2009

Protect Eczema During A Shower

Water is one of the worst things to use on skin that is currently in an active eczema breakout. Water and eczema will simply lead to a worse breakout. In order to keep the body clean and prevent the eczema from worsening, you must keep the water away.


1. Apply Vaseline to the affected area. the areas of the body that are currently broken out with eczema need to be lathered with Vaseline.

2. Have a partner cover the wounds. Your partner will then be able to add a second layer of protection by placing the plastic wrap over the affected area and securing with the waterproof tape on all sides.

3. Shower the body. A shower is the perfect choice for the person suffering from eczema. Soaking in water can lead to further breakouts.

4. Remove plastic wrap and large clumps of Vaseline. While the skin will not be hurt by the remaining Vaseline, the clumps may fall off or stain certain fabrics. Using the old soft towel, remove the larger clumps of oil.

Tags: affected area, plastic wrap, that currently