Friday, September 18, 2009

Graph A Biorythym Curve

Biorhythm curves are based on the premise that, at any given point in your life, you have a certain level of emotional, physical and intellectual fitness. Biorhythm curves break these levels down into cycles, shaped like sine curves. On each cycle, you will hit a point at which you are most neutral, a point at which you have the greatest fitness, and the point at which you have the least fitness. The physical cycle is 23 days, the emotional cycle is 28 days and the intellectual cycle is 33 days. Construct your own biorhythm curves by mapping out your fitness levels at different points throughout the month.


1. Write down, throughout the month, your perceived intellectual, emotional and physical fitness levels. Rank them each on a scale of 1-15, positive or negative, every day of the month, and do not give any rating twice. A -15 would be the lowest, 0 would be average and 15 would be the highest.

2. Identify when the highest, lowest and average point of fitness happens.

3. Draw a set of x and y axes on Cartesian graph paper. Label the x axis for days of the month (1-30 or 1-31) and label the y-axis for fitness levels (0 through 15 and 0 through -15).

4. Graph the highest, lowest and average points of your fitness levels. For each of the cycles, draw a curve, approximating a sine curve, through these three points.

Tags: fitness levels, cycle days, point which, Biorhythm curves, emotional physical