Thursday, March 21, 2013

Identify Symptoms Of Oppositional Defiance Disorder

Many children and adolescents rebel against authority, but what exactly consititutes a diagnosis of oppositional defiance disorder? Symptoms are basically similar for kids, teenagers and adults. Check out the types of power struggles that may identify a person as having this behavioral disorder. However, remember to consult a mental health professional or psychiatrist for a formal diagnosis of this or any mental health or anxiety disorder.


1. Monitor whether she often loses her temper or argues with adults, refusing to comply with their rules. Does he knowingly annoy or blame others? Any pattern of hostile or negative behavior--touchy, resentful, angry, vengeful--can be a sign of oppositional defiance disorder.

2. Notice if she seeks out conflict, constantly testing boundaries or borders--especially with authority figures such as parents or teachers. Adults may seek out power struggles with supervisors or bosses as well as dominant family members.

3. Look for a detailed knowledge of the "buttons" he can push in order to get a stronger response from the authority figure, and thus a greater sense of control in his own life. See him utilizing that knowledge, and pushing those buttons.

4. Check out her response when she gets the out-of-control or emotionally reactive response she seeks, unconsciously or not. Does the authority figure become emotionally upset? She tends to feel satisfied or gain something from this interaction; somehow she perceives that a need in her own life is being met. This interaction can easily become a pattern.

5. Analyze his family situation. Many individuals diagnosed with this disorder come out of chaotic backgrounds or families, where there is a lot of inconsistency when it comes to setting boundaries. This disorder can often be connected to ADD and other attention deficit issues, which can run in families.

Tags: authority figure, defiance disorder, mental health, oppositional defiance, oppositional defiance disorder, power struggles