Monday, September 24, 2012

Do Balance Beam Exercises In Preschool Gymnastics

Walking on a balance beam in gymnastics requires hours of practice. Preschool age gymnastics programs teach this skill through a variety of techniques. While the atmosphere is fun and the children feel like they are playing, instructors are really teaching more than the physical aspect of the apparatus. Social development, concentration and perseverance are among the lessons that each child will walk away with.


1. Focus on the task. This skill is developed on the balance beam by having the preschoolers look forward toward the end of the beam as they walk and not at their toes. By looking straight ahead the child has to concentrate which develops visual motor skills.

2. Fall off safely. Since walking on a balance beam is tricky and it is easy to fall, one of the most important lessons the preschool child is taught is fall off the beam safely. This is practiced by having the child jump off the side of the beam when they feel like they are going to fall.

3. Balance properly while walking on the beam. Balancing exercises are taught by having the child extend their arms out to the side and look forward, while the coach spots her in case she falls.

4. Make it fun. Some of the ways that children learn to familiarize themselves with the balance beam is to play on it. The instructor will have a child roll a ball down the beam like a bowling ball, bounce it like a basket ball or wave a ribbon in the air.

5. Be graceful. Once the preschool gymnast has a good feel for balance, grace is the next exercise to be taught. By teaching the child to alternate arm positions as they walk down the balance beam and point their toes grace and beauty will become very natural.

6. Create obstacles on the balance beam to increase difficulty level. The instructor will often place obstacles such as cones along the beam for the child to get around without falling.

7. Watch your dismount. In the dismount from the balance beam the child needs to jump far enough out that they won't hit their head. This skill is practiced by jumping off into the arms of their trusted instructor. Keep in mind, for preschool gymnasts the beam is either on the ground or approximately waist high.

Tags: balance beam, beam child, feel like, feel like they, having child, instructor will, like they